
Outlook automapped mailboxes – dealing with design flaws with VBA

Sending an email from a automapped (usually shared) mailboxes – I don’t know why, because everyone hates that – has two issues: 1. user needs to change From address every time from his primary mailbox to the correct one, 2. Sent emails are saved in primary mailbox Sent folder, not in the folder of the shared mailbox.

We want Outlook to use From address based on selected folder in Outlook and also, we want this email to be saved in correct Sent folder. This issue has been present ever since and MS approach to first spit out registry hacks and then enable setting some parameters – only for each Mailbox separately (!) to deal with issue #2 is unacceptable. As usually we need to make some hacks to fix that.

Private WithEvents objInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
Private WithEvents sentItems As Outlook.Items

Function findAddressOfCurrentFolder()
        Set selectedFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
        ' Initialize the Outlook NameSpace
        Set namespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        Set Stores = namespace.Stores
        storeDisplayName = selectedFolder.Parent.Store.DisplayName
        Set storeRecipient = Session.CreateRecipient(storeDisplayName)

        If storeRecipient.AddressEntry.Type = "EX" Then
            findAddressOfCurrentFolder = storeRecipient.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress
        End If
        If storeRecipient.AddressEntry.Type = "SMTP" Then
            findAddressOfCurrentFolder = storeRecipient.Address
        End If
End Function

Private Sub objInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Inspector)

  If TypeName(Inspector.CurrentItem) = "MailItem" Then
     storeSMTPAddress = findAddressOfCurrentFolder
     If storeSMTPAddress <> "" Then 
        Inspector.CurrentItem.SentOnBehalfOfName = storeSMTPAddress
     End If
  End If
End Sub

We just fixed the first issue! One more to go.

Function isSentItemsFolder(ByVal Folder As Outlook.Folder)
 sentFolderNames = Array("Sent Items", "Odeslaná pošta", "Odoslaná pošta")
 For i = LBound(sentFolderNames) To UBound(sentFolderNames)
        If sentFolderNames(i) = Folder.Name Then
            isSentItemsFolder = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next i
 isSentItemsFolder = False
End Function
Private Sub sentItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
 Dim correctSentFolder As Outlook.Folder
 Dim myNamespace As Outlook.namespace
 Dim mailbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    If TypeName(Item) = "MailItem" Then     'If Item is a MailItem
        If Item.SentOnBehalfOfName <> Session.Accounts.Item(1).CurrentUser Then   'And if Item is Sent on Behalf of the users own inbox
            'Move the email into the Sent Items folder for the inbox in question
            Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
            Set myRecipient = GetNamespace("MAPI").CreateRecipient(Item.SentOnBehalfOfName)
            If myRecipient.Resolved Then
                'Set sentFolder = GetNamespace("MAPI").GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient, olFolderSentMail)
                Set mailbox = myNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient, olFolderInbox).Parent
                For Each Folder In mailbox.Folders
                    If Folder.DefaultItemType = olMailItem Then
                     If (isSentItemsFolder(Folder)) Then
                        Set correctSentFolder = Folder
                    End If
                 End If
                Next Folder
            End If
            If Not correctSentFolder Is Nothing Then Item.Move correctSentFolder
        End If
    End If
End Sub

And that’s the fix for the second issue – saving items in proper folder. There is no way to get Sent folder of a shared/automapped mailbox. We need to iterate and check for its names. If English is used “Sent Items” is sufficient. For other languages, we need to add translations (function isSentItemsFolder).


Pull users from AD

I needed:

  • users from AD with specific OU
  • non disabled
  • filter by department
  • manager details
  • last logon time and other details

For pulling active (non disabled) users belonging to specific group along with their managers name into CSV, I made following powershell script. Output is then loaded into excel and send automatically to managers for approval. Department “x” means a special user which will be omitted.


if (Test-Path $FileName) 
  Remove-Item $FileName

$fileEncoding = "Default"

Out-File -encoding $fileEncoding $FileName

$dn = (Get-ADGroup 'Some group').DistinguishedName
$users = Get-ADUser -Filter " memberof -RecursiveMatch '$dn'" -Properties $properties

Foreach ($User in $Users)
 if ($user.Enabled -and ($user.Department -ne "x")) {      
  if ($man -ne $null) {	  
	$mgrUsr=(Get-ADUser $man -Properties UserPrincipalName,DisplayName,mail)
	$mngr=$mgrUsr.UserPrincipalName + ";" +$mgrUsr.mail + ";" + $mgrUsr.DisplayName
  } else {
  ($user.UserPrincipalName + ";" +  $ + ";" + $user.LastLogonDate + ";" + $ou + ";" + ";" + $mngr  + ";" + $user.Department)  | Out-File -encoding $fileEncoding $FileName -Append 

for VPS hosting go here:

Wordpress WP plugins

CJ feed content generator

This WordPress plugin can import product feeds in Google format which is (used by affiliate platforms like Commission Junction and others) and create whole affiliate website from it with few clicks.

It is really that simple as import a feed and then place shortcode on the frontpage or any other page to become your affiliate site.

Main features

  • import / bulk import even huge feed files
  • automatically generate categories with product counts
  • store products as custom posts+metas or in dedicated table (for lightning fast filtering)
  • internal caching system for even better performance
  • easy templating system for custom appearance
  • ajax powered loading more products (instead of pagination, next items are loaded when you scroll to the bottom like on Facebook)
  • ajax product filtering



you can soon find downloadable plugin on wordpress plugin site, meanwhile, if you are interested, drop a comment below

Cheats and Scripts Tools

FOE tool

I made a tool for the game Forge of Empires that makes boring clicking for you. Check out the tool on this page:


Adding plugins to WP repo

Step 1.: create wp dev account at

Step 2.: prepare nice readme.txt, have it checked with

Step 3.: pack it all together in a zip and submit using

Step 4.: wait for approval

Step 5.: upload using SVN to WP repo. Using Windows you can:

  • download tortoise svn check option to install command line tools
  • create a folder for your files
mkdir my-local-dir
  • download your files with
svn co my-local-dir
  • put your files into trunk folder, then
svn add trunk/*
  • upload files into wp repo
svn ci -m 'my plugin release' --username yourusername --password yourpassword
  • getting error “plugin is not under version control?” So did I. All docs fails for Windows, you need to use double quotes instead of single quotes. so:
svn ci -m "my plugin release" --username yourusername --password yourpassword
  • should do the trick


Wordpress WP plugins

WP custom read more image effect block

I have made this simple custom block option to Guttenberg editor with fancy image and a read more link.


wp plugin url:


Deleting wordpress posts

Running wp_delete_post($postId,true); for every post could take serious amount of time. If you need to delete everything let’s say from post _id>320 and category equals to some_category, then this is much more faster solution:

(run mysql commands from phpmyadmin or somewhere,

DELETE from wp_posts WHERE ID>320
DELETE from wp_postmeta WHERE post_id>320
DELETE from wp_terms WHERE term_id>1
DELETE from wp_term_relationships WHERE object_id>320
DELETE from wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy like 'some_category'
Programming Tools

Anti-ransomware script solution

The idea behind this is simple- if we find out files are being changed quickly, we can still make steps to save much of valuable data from ransomware infection.

That’s why we create a “honeypot” with files likely to be encrypted by ransomware. On windows those have following extensions: doc, docx, jpg, png, xls, xlsx and txt. These files are made with a random content and placed to easily reachable places (meaning not buried deeply in directory structure). Also a ransomware usually goes through the file system structure in alphabetical order, so c:\afile\ would be likely to hit sooner than c:\wrong\dang\files\honeypot\something.

Anyway, now we have the honeypot files, we need to watch over them and as soon as they are changed send alert, disconnect network to prevent further infection or shutdown the computer.

We can solve this completely within a windows batch file with windows utilities involved (certutil.exe for generating md5 hashes and fc.exe for comparing them). A simple task in windows task scheduler runs the .bat in short intervals making the job done.

If you are interested, I am willing to explain more or even sell the code along with documentation.

I have also such application written in C# which runs in background- so no need to use task scheduler- so the emergency action happens immediately when files are enrypted.

Dynamics NAV / Navision

Dynamics NAV- fieldref

In case we need to import field programatically, without direct referencnig, there is a FieldRef in Navision.

setField(tabName : Text[30];fieldId : Integer;mVal : Text[1024])
IF fieldId < 1 THEN EXIT;
IF tabName = 'sometablename' THEN BEGIN
 greRecRef.GETTABLE(greNS); // get table reference
 IF FORMAT(greFieldRef.TYPE) = 'Boolean' THEN BEGIN
   IF (mVal = '1') OR (UPPERCASE(mVal) = 'YES') THEN greFieldRef.VALUE:=TRUE
   ELSE greFieldRef.VALUE:=FALSE;
 END ELSE IF (FORMAT(greFieldRef.TYPE) = 'Integer') OR (FORMAT(greFieldRef.TYPE) = 'Decimal') THEN BEGIN
 END ELSE IF (FORMAT(greFieldRef.TYPE) = 'Code') OR (FORMAT(greFieldRef.TYPE) = 'Text') THEN BEGIN
 END ELSE ERROR('This field type is not yet covered.');
Dynamics NAV / Navision

Dynamics NAV – writing logs

Something we need in every serious code object- writing logs to a logfile.

1)  open log file


IF NOT LogFile.OPEN(ltePath) THEN
2) write text line
WriteLog(mess : Text[1000])
3) don't forget to close the file at the end